A Cover + Remixes forthcoming!

Ok, to be honest, I just wanted to throw in ‘forthcoming’ into a post. I mean, there is one coming up, but it didn’t have to be announced like a ball. Anyway….

I did a little cover with my friend Sean Urban this week just for fun. He had told me about a little tribute series done on bandcamp, where they have a bunch of bands do interpretations of a band every month. Sean had the guitar ready, so I just threw some vocals and arrangements on top of it. You can find it here: https://prfmonthlytributeseries.bandcamp.com/album/june-2020-smashing-pumpkins

I’m not that into covers, just because they require an organization which I don’t have the effort for. But it was nice to do this for a second. I’m going to leave BC’s current political views off this post, and just pretend I’m still under 30 and loving this.

Most of my week and the previous weekend have been spent working on a remix for some friends of ours in DC. I’m very pumped! Emil threw on some excellent riffs already, and you can hear some of it on our Instagram.

I don’t know when that will be out, but it’s due next week, so I’ll be a little under the rader (ok, except for IG). Feel free to ping us there, and see if you can guess who its for.

A show + new music

I’m playing a show this Saturday! You can register here and check in and say hi.


In the context of our falling apart country, I worry that music feels very small, but I think this is a little of what I can contribute.

Oh machines.

I’ll be on the RIA Main Street Virtual Porchfest next week, so the picture above is me just testing out the tech for it. Should be great. I’ll send out the link eventually, or you can follow at this link:

In much more mundane matters, we are back for a bit. I’m going to avoid doing the apology of not updating this thing and just get on with it. Now that COVID got us, I’m sitting here catching up and going through things. Let’s update the website, why not?

Me and Emil are writing sporadically, and I’m doing some writing with a few friends, putting together beats and what not. Also, I moved to Belgium! They speak Flemish and French here. Which have a lot of vowels. I’m not used to that.

Standard ‘standing against a wall’ shot…

2020. Wow.

So 2020. This is really happening. Crazy people protesting staying inside followed by the same exact crazies saying black people are overreacting. How are we going to make it through this? I can only hope that our not to be named leader gets voted out.

I don’t really feel qualified to speak about the systemic racism against the black community in our nation, but there would be no United States without them. Period. It’s unforgivable that a nation who claims to be “under God” would let this inequality continue. Thank you to the protesters that are out there speaking the truth to a monolith that’s ignored them for so long.