Our friends Ted and Sheryl cut the idea to put together this compilation during all the hate and attacks against us. We were very honored to be asked to join and contribute.
We’ve had our song, Fault Lines, in a unfinished format for a while, but could never quite figure out how to center the lyrics. Only after witnessing all these attacks against our elders, and our community did it help coalesce the idea properly.
My parents met in America, went back to the Philippines to start their life, and had me and my brother. They weren’t cowed by the legend of an American existence, because they had already experienced it. Unlike my peers, we were never told that we had to shut up and just get along. So I’m thankful for that. Growing up in America, I assumed that Asians weren’t meant to be part of the conversation. It was weird enough to just grow up here but not be born here.
I’m worried that nobody cares about us here, and that we only have ourselves in the Asian community that cares. I’m hopeful, but don’t expect it.
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